Friday, 23 May 2014

Top Tips for Prom

Hi everyone. It’s that time of year – proms, balls, dances! Exciting but kind of stressful times. My prom was 4 years ago now; I cannot believe how quick that time has gone. Seriously! Here are my top tips for preparing for a prom or ball and some essential things to do (or not do) on the big day.


The dress
In my opinion you want to go for a relatively timeless look. Obviously, this is dependent on your own personal style, but try to avoid anything too trend specific. Ideally, you’d like to look back at your prom photos in 5, 10 years and think ‘Wow, I love the dress I wore’ rather than, ‘Oh gosh that look was so 2014. What was I thinking?!’. Perhaps also steer clear of anything too sparkly or, dare I even say it, a not a good look.

The make-up
If you don’t wear much make-up day-to-day don’t suddenly whack on loads for prom. You want your skin to look natural but polished. Think: ‘my face but better’. If you are unsure of how to do your make-up but know that you’d like to wear some, perhaps ask a friend or sister. Make sure you feel comfortable (that goes for your whole outfit too). Sometimes even if you don’t love wearing make-up, even just wearing a little bit can make you feel a lot more confident and pretty. If you do choose to wear a heavier look remember the basics, for example if you are going for a dramatic eye look, perhaps tone down the lips a bit, and vice versa. Try and wear something which complements the dress but is again quite timeless. The worst thing would be to look back and think ‘WHY?! What a make-up faux-pas!!’

The hair
Doesn’t necessarily have to look like it has a whole can of hairspray in it. Again, perhaps go for your natural look, but more polished. You don’t want to have to worry about it falling down or coming out, or being majorly blown about by the wind on your way in that lovely open top car. Also, if you wear your hair up all the time, perhaps don’t wear it down, stay with a look that is comfortable and suits you.

The shoes
I know that some of the most gorgeous shoes out there are the killer heels. However, if you have to wear them for a while (I was in mine for at least 6 hours) they will start to literally kill. Just something to think about.

The clutch
Essential items include mints, concealer, powder, lipstick, tissues and a camera. Just trust me on this one.


Taking photos
You’ll want to cherish the memories. Take LOADS with lots of different people. You can always delete them and you never know who you’ll stay friends with or become friends with in college, so it’s nice to have taken some pictures with a variety of people.

Who to hang out with
Again, try to mix with lots of different people and groups. This may be the last time you will see some of them (not always the worse thing), so make the most of it.

Don’t go there wasted. You may not even make it in and that would be stupid. That is all.

Have a great evening, you deserve it!


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